Freeing America One Enslaved Mind At A Time

December 11, 2015
By David Hodges


ISIS, the drug cartels and MS-13 have formed a 5th column to attack and disrupt America. The economy will suffer and vital national defense resources will be expended in fighting this threat. On the heels of this 5th column invasion, that has already begun, the Chinese will make their move on the US. The Chinese and their assets have already been pre-positioned.

A few months ago, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, was stating that based on evidence derived from Chinese dissidents, that the Chinese, in response to the American space-based attack upon Tianjin, will launch a three-pronged attack from the United States from 7,000 miles away. The attack will consist of the following strategies:

Layer #1) An attack on the dollar and U.S. debt instruments.

Layer #2) A massive cyber warfare attack on the U.S. infrastructure.

Layer #3) An attack on U.S. military satellites to maximize the disruption of military communications, banking transactions, emergency services and other systems that depend on satellite communications.

The Effects of a Three-Pronged Chinese Attack


I have written extensively on how the Chinese have already demonstrated the ability to engage in attacks, upon American, in all three domains described above. Mike Adams assertion that the Chinese are capable of, and will employ, attack strategies from all three of these areas is correct and have already happened, at least in a Beta test mode.

I need no convincing that Mike Adams is correct, but I do not believe that these three areas of attack represent an end game strategy and I am not sure that Mike believes that either. I have a slightly different take as I am convinced that these attacks are the military equivalent of a long-range military bombardment designed to weaken American for the final kill. The utilization of these three modes of attack can and will bring America to her knees as the economy is collapsed. The three pronged attack will be followed up by Chinese occupation troops operating under the UN flag.

On that fateful Monday, you will awaken to the fact that your bank account is gone along with your 401k, pension and job. All hell has broken loose. THERE WILL BE ROUNDUPS BECAUSE THERE WILL BE TOO MANY AMERICANS ROAMING THE STREETS LOOKING FOR THEIR NEXT MEAL. PEOPLE WILL STARVE AND BECOME VICTIMS OF THE ENSUING VIOLENCE.

The country will be under martial law on the evening of the first day. Nobody will be safe including law enforcement. What will you do? Have you prepared? Do you have the mental toughness to survive? Your present level of action/inaction has already answered that question.

If the Chinese employ the three-pronged strategy reported on by Mike Adams, what would be their end game goal?

America Is Not Broke

Contrary to what the power brokers would have you believe in order that you’ll give up your pension, cut your wages, and settle for the life that people live in a third world country, the globalists want you to believe that your nation is broke and there is nothing you can do about it.
America is not broke, in fact the opposite is true. The United States of America is awash in an unimaginable amount of  mineral wealth. What belongs to the people has been transferred, in the greatest theft in world history, from the workers and consumers to the government as well as the banks and the portfolios of the criminal elite gangsters which control the politicians with insider-trading and outright bribes.

The American underemployment and unemployment rate is now around 25% according to John Williams of Shadowstats who appeared as a guest on The Common Sense Show. Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. Despite these grim statistics which reveals the wealth imbalance in this country, our nation has never been wealthier.

Deep Beneath the Earth

Far beneath the ground, the federal government and its bankster puppeteers, own the rights to mineral and energy leases, from which they receive royalties, rents, and bonus payments, states the Institute for Energy Research, an industry group. According to their estimates, government states that the assets are worth $128 trillion. That’s almost eight times the national debt.

“These resources could be leased to third parties and could subsequently earn the state and national government huge royalties, rents, and bonus payments that estimates could total almost $150 billion over 10 years, just for the oil and gas leases alone”. Then why isn’t this being done? Simple, ask yourself who would lose money if this were to come to fruition? These vast resources have been promised to the Chinese and they are moving to take possession. Already, the Chinese, have been and are in Hawaii to take possession of what gold America has left. Speculation abounds that this is why Obama is now living in Hawaii and he is personally supervising the transfer and to arrange for the transfer of mineral wealth.

The Bundy Ranch and Other BLM Land Seizures Are Being Done On Behalf of the Chines



The Bundy Ranch confrontation, along with many other unreported BLM land grabs on behalf of the Chinese are being carried out in preparation for a total resource hand off to the Chinese. My military sources and researcher, Vicky Davis tell me that a series of international “inland ports” are being created in conjunction with known mineral rich areas and control of these areas will be handed off to the Chinese. Further, the Chinese military will be stationed around these inland ports to ensure safety and security of the Chinese investment and its mining and geological personnel. The Chinese are doing this under the guise of creating solar energy, which they are. However, their energy companies are owned by the Chinese military.

This will be the foothold of their invasion force. 

Further, solar zones are near planned international corridor highways (e.g. Canamex and NAFTA Super Highways) for easy transport of these soon-to-be mined mineral resources for shipping back to China. When the three pronged attack occurs, the American economy will be in chaos and the Chinese will be in the midst of acquiring vast mineral resources for which they have prepositioned their covert military assets in this country.

Chinese troops will soon be a common occurrence on American soil. This will constitute only the beginning of the short-range take over the Chinese have planned for America.

These Solar Energy Zones are appearing in multiple locations in such places as Southwestern Arizona, Barstow, CA. and Victorville, CA., and now I am receiving on the ground reports from Colorado and Utah as well. These designated Solar Energy Zones have very similar variables in common. The following chart indicates that the debt compensation will consist of complete control of the solar industry and will be expanded to other energy sources (e.g. hydroelectric and nuclear power). This practice has been happening in Indian reservations as well.

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Coincidence or Conspiracy?

The control of solar energy, locating the “solar farms” along planned international highways and the implantation of future Chinese troops nears an major American military base were the goals of the Bundy Ranch takeover. The Bundy Ranch Affair exposed the agenda and the handing off of the country to the Chinese.

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